Layout Design

Putting together a wedding and taking care of all the crucial elements of the D-day while keeping the focus on hosts and their guests goes hand in hand. As the venue is finalized, the spotlight shifts on its layout plan. With a professional team of experts, a detailed design plan is created closely with the clients to define their unique vision and taste. A clear visual demonstration for a better selection and procurement of all design elements is reviewed, showcasing the preciseness of the arrangement.

It takes an endeavour to decide the placement of stage, dance floor, tables, and bar counter(s) while maintaining the luxury and elegance of the space. Determining the floor plan is a daunting task that has a significant impact on the flow of the evening. Once the placement is done, it is time to decide the table shape and size. A client can opt for a long table, a round one, or a square table, meticulousness is ensured in every aspect. We do it all in accordance to your taste and preferences. But most importantly, we do it all in an effortless manner without bogging you down with oodles of stress.

Placing a bar at right place is important. We ensure it is at a good distance from the entrance and from the area where food is being served. We also make sure that the bar is nothing less than an experience for your guests. We also curate personalised bar menu and unique bar setups.

With a repertoire exhibiting from all the minute details such as installation of LED wall, and separate food stalls placement to covering all the major decisions such as a separate reserved area for food counters and buffet tables, or which entrance to be used, our each layout plan is unique and exclusive, specifically custom-made for each patron.